Kàlamo Ristorante
Address: Corso Baldassarre Scaduto n.11 – Aspra – Bagheria (PA)
Phone: 091 83 28 75
Email: info@kalamo.it
Website: www.kalamo.it
Facebook: Kàlamo Ristorante
Instagram: kalamoristorante
Closing: Monday
Tuesday to Saturday 19:30 p.m. – 23:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Kàlamo Ristorante was born in an old stable, inside a period villa later transformed into the present Hotel Residence Villa Scaduto.
The facility is located in Bagheria, an enchanting Baroque-style town on the splendid Tyrrhenian coast east of the Gulf of Palermo, from which it is just a few kilometers away. It is also located near the charming fishing village of Aspra and its small port, where fishing boats laden with local catch arrive every morning.
The restaurant hall, defined by the interior design of architect Massimiliano Masellis and interior designer Marta Marasà, subliminally communicates the concept of our business.
The interior design of Kàlamo was strongly inspired by the link between our restaurant and the local production of the raw materials we use for our dishes.
Indeed, so much attention is paid to the selection of products, and to ensure the best quality and authenticity we engage in self-production of a large part of them.
The dishes that come out of our kitchen are already born in the beauty of typical Sicilian landscapes, rich in those signs and colors to which the interior design is inspired.
The design team was able to capture the distinctive elements of the area and translate them into a design with a strong visual impact: 1511 wooden laths draw the plowing marks of a land on the ceiling and envelop guests in our great hall.
The volumes, textures, color palette, materials processed by local artisans, and every single detail designed, concur in defining a welcoming and meaningful environment.