Church of the Anime Sante

The church of the SS.Crocifisso and the Holy Souls of Purgatory also called dei Miseremini, built in the possessions of the Branciforti family, is the second church built in Bagheria. It was founded in 1722, according to what the historian Mongitore tells us “colle limosine of the inhabitants of the place”, but as has emerged from recent documents found, the construction dates back to 1710. Between 1865 and 1870, it became necessary to enlarge the spaces until it reaches its current size. In 1902 the engineer Filippo Scordato had the facade built in Aspra stone, punctuated by simple decorative elements.

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In depth

In the central part it has a refined three-dimensional decoration through five arches enriched by mullioned windows, surmounted by a rose window. At the same time, the interior decoration was entrusted to the well-known Bagherese painter Onofrio Tomaselli, who painted the Souls in Purgatory (including his self-portrait), the four Evangelists, the apostles and the Last Supper. The interior has three naves divided by columns. On the main altar there is a 19th century wooden statue depicting the Immaculate Virgin created by Cosimo Quattrociocchi.